Dedicated to black Americans who fought in the Civil war
As the Civil War divides and devours a nation, a black American guerilla force is carried behind Confederate lines by a unique sinking ship, the SS Nimsi.
Led by a giant Maasai warrior Matari, 30 black Rangers fight a determined and deadly foe from the eastern seaboard of America to its vast western plains. Even as the horror of war explodes around them, the Rangers embrace a common dream that emerges deep within the heart of Matari.
Cast upon a tidal wave of violence, John Saxton the heir to a Boston shipping fortune and his mentor Matari (Marcus Brown, a former Maasai slave) organize the Maasai Rangers, a force of black American sharpshooters bent on destroying the Confederacy.
With a specially designed ‘sinking ship’ and the latest weaponry, this force is savaged by spies, sexual recklessness, betrayal and hand to hand combat from the Atlantic coast to the plains of ‘bleeding’ Kansas. But the most compelling force that bedevils Saxton and his Negro wife Virginia is WHY are over 65,000 blacks fighting for the Confederacy?
Thus total war becomes the stage upon which real characters such as Abraham Lincoln, his generals and Allan Pinkerton carry out their vicious campaign to unite a Nation no matter the cost. An historical drama unfolds where victory is never assured and defeat is lurking over every horizon.